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A movie, also known as a motion picture, short movie, or digital movie, is an artistic work of visual art designed to simulate events, ideas, emotions, impressions, beauty, or setting through the use of pictures. Motion pictures are created by capturing everyday events in time, often without the use of sound, and then playing the movie back over again to create a story or a movie experience. The term “movies” came into use in the late 1890s, when a British film director named Buster Crabbe found his mentor, English artist sepia, who was living in India. According to historians, the two men spent many evenings watching videos that had been circulating there. One night, they decided to make a motion picture of their favorite footage. They called their invention VHS, which stood for “vinyl tape recorders”.

Since that time, studios have opened in every major city in the U.S., and new movie technology and equipment have made it possible to produce movies on a much larger scale than ever before. Movie producers and movie theaters are competing against one another for revenues, and the popularity of DVDs, which allow home viewers to view motion pictures on a large television screen, is growing at an exponential rate. Because of this competition, studios are trying to find ways to protect their copyrights, but how does a person protect their movie from pirating?

Piracy is one of the most dreaded problems facing movie watchers today. While some piracy is performed legitimately, most pirated movies are released with some type of virus on them, which destroys the copyrights of the studios. Another problem facing movies today is the existence of a genre of movies that have been around for decades, called “puzzle movies.” These types of movies, like any other form of genre, evolve through time, but they also have many of their own movie ploys, including famous movie twists, transformations, and cameos by famous movie stars.