The Benefit Of Dietary Fiber On The Body


The Benefit Of Dietary Fiber On The Body

Food is any substance fed to an organism to provide food for its daily activity. In its simplest form food is any food that can be eaten and taken by an individual with the necessary digestive system to process it properly. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and includes necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals, which must be obtained in appropriate quantities from the food consumed. The food components include all edible parts of an animal or plant. Foods can be grouped into categories according to the animals or plants they are made from, with human beings being part of the animals category and therefore able to eat meat, eggs, milk and fish as part of their diet.

A wide range of foods can be digested adequately by the human body, providing the bulk of the nutrients needed by the body to maintain a healthy physical condition and energy level. Although there are some foods that have been shown to have a beneficial effect on the immune system, the human body can only absorb a limited amount of nutrients from these foods, meaning that a diet must comprise a much larger portion of vegetables and small amounts of grains to provide the necessary carbohydrates for energy. This means that even though fruits and some grain foods may have some benefit when consumed on a daily basis, they cannot be relied upon exclusively as the sole source of carbohydrates for energy. Therefore it is not possible to meet a daily carbohydrate requirement through the diet without the use of grains and other foods that provide carbohydrates.

The major part of the dietary fiber consists of complex carbohydrates such as those found in certain vegetables and fruits. It consists of chains of glucose Units of protein surrounded by an outer membrane, which are capable of releasing energy more slowly than simple sugars. This type of carbohydrate is digested more slowly and requires a greater portion of the body’s available carbohydrates to be absorbed. Food choices that contain large amounts of carbohydrates are not necessarily bad for the body, but in most cases the body will need a relatively larger portion of these foods in order to derive the maximum benefit. In this case it is better to consume complex carbohydrates as opposed to simple sugars, as the body can absorb them more easily.