Practical Pramatic Integral Quantity (PIP): An Essential Business Practice for Creating Information Technology Solutions


Practical Pramatic Integral Quantity (PIP): An Essential Business Practice for Creating Information Technology Solutions

In a broader sense, information is structured, processed and organised information intended for specific purposes. It gives context to other data and allows better decision making based on real-life examples. For instance, a single customer’s sale in a restaurant is statistical data but if the restaurant can identify which dishes are more popular or least popular, then this becomes information. To use this information to improve service, the owner can suggest changes in menu planning or introduce new offerings.

The ability to store and provide information has evolved dramatically with the development of information technology. With the growth of the internet, information technology experts are constantly trying to invent tools and systems that help process and provide information more effectively. Information technologies are also continuously seeking ways to make information more accessible and relevant. One such tool is the Continuous Data Collection (CDC) cycle which involves developing, deploying, managing and maintaining large, real time data sets that can be accessed and analyzed using software tools.

Although information technology evolved from disciplines grounded in disciplines such as computer science, economics, engineering and information management, information systems have developed into a complete operational system, complete with an informational equivalent (or, to put it another way, a paradigm), namely the enterprise wide information systems or E SWS. Such systems have become integral aspects of many companies and have become the primary data management tools for many businesses. They help store, retrieve, organise, present and manage information that influences business decisions. However, companies must continually evolve their business processes in response to new market conditions in order to remain competitive and innovative. This is where information technology meets the practical pragmatics of business life.