Information Theory – What Is It And Why Is It Used In Criminal Justice?

Information is described as the systematic solution of uncertainty; it identifies both the nature and the essence of an object and therefore solves the question of “what a thing is.” The idea of information also has various meanings in many different contexts. For instance, in physics it is a source of knowledge of the natural world, in information systems it is a computer, in medicine it is used to make a diagnosis, in astronomy it refers to celestial objects, in engineering it refers to the arrangement of physical objects, etc.

Information can be conscious or unconscious, i.e., it can be learned, transmitted, or otherwise received in some way. We may receive information unconsciously or deliberately. In order to solve problems and achieve our ends, we must use certain tools which are called “causal inputs,” and which make possible the construction of a corresponding causal continuation from the initial inputs. Theories of information suggest that in all cases where information is causally communicated to us, the human mind uses the same processes of abstraction as it does when it actually performs physical actions. It seems that the conscious mind is in fact more actively involved in the processing of informational equivalents of the physical world than the subconscious mind, and it seems to follow the same causal processes.

The best known example of information theory is the “chemistry of crime” – a phrase which might mean a lot of different things to a great number of people, and is, in its most common usage, used to describe the process by which a criminal chemical substances to agents which in turn are able to perform crimes. This information theory can be shown to be true through the use of a machine called a polymerase; in this machine detergent which reacts chemically with certain substances is mixed with an agent which has a helical structure like a rope, and which in turn incorporates carbon into itself in the course of reaction. The resulting substance is a kind of anthrone, which is capable of trapping microscopic particles and which can ultimately cause the escape of carbon dioxide.